neglegent but not without reason

I can't explain it, but on top of cognitive issues I'm also OCD and ADD with chronic health problems so I tend to get fully involved in a project and eventually I get burnt out or I forget about it and start another project. It could be a personal blog, photo blog, my journal, sketchbook, phone "note" taking apps, Instagram, painting.... I moved on from this "project" some time ago, but I got fed up and said wtf, I'll go back to my aper|moi and transform it into something new from it's ashes. Like the magnificent Phoenix. I'm truly fascinated by these creatures, the stories, mythology, and pretty much all things dark, creepy, and supernatural but with a dash of sparkle!!!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

ootd # 1

along with the weight loss and confidence boost came a release of my inner and true self and the desire to express myself through my exterior shell. this here is my first real "look" I put together. I'm sooo in love with this 💖💖💖💖💖

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